Make it stand out. 425-231-5658It all begins with an idea. tAPER SYSTEM; ARE 1/4 INCH OR 1/2 INCH SLOPE PER FOOT. THIS IS A ISO INSULATION. Material Use: Typically, tapered insulation materials like Polyiso or EPS are used to create the slope, providing both drainage and insulation benefits. Your system uses an inside drain with an overflow next to it This building's taper system moves water to a center drain in the building. Other taper systems move water to the outside. More typical. Slope Design: The 1/4 inch per foot taper creates a gradual slope from the peak to the edges, directing water towards the drains This is a recover going over the existing roof with two layers of 2 inch insulation. Using #3 screws and 2 1/4 inch barbed plates sounds like a solid choice for securing your materials. These components are crucial for ensuring the insulation and roofing materials stay firmly in place, especially in the variable weather conditions of Everett, WA. This is 1/4 inch per foot tape resisting with the PVC flex roofing system over the top of it. Subscribe to our newsletter. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Email Address Sign Up Thank you!